Monday, October 23, 2006

Paul Brunton on Ramana Maharshi

Paul Brunton on Ramana Maharhsi

I study him intently and gradually come to see in him the child of a remote Past, when the discovery of spiritual truth was reckoned no less value than is the discovery of a gold-mine to-day. It dawns upon me with increasing force that in this quiet and obscure corner of South India, I have been led to one of the last of India’s spiritual supermen. The serene figure of this living sage brings the legendary figures of his country’s ancient Rishees nearer to me. One senses that the most wonderful part of this man is withheld. His deepest soul, which one instinctively recognizes as being loaded with rich wisdom, eludes one. At time he still remains curiously aloof, and, at other times the kindly benediction of his interior grace binds me to him with hoops of steel. I learn to submit to the enigma of his personality, and to accept him as I find him.

And I like him greatly because he is so simple and modest, when an atmosphere of authentic greatness lies so palpably around him; because he makes no claims to occult powers and hierophantic knowledge to impress the mystery-loving countrymen; and because he is so totally without any traces of pretension that he strongly resists every effort to canonize him during his lifetime.
It seems to me that the presence of men like the Maharishee ensures the continuity down history of a divine message from regions not easily accessible to us all. It seems to me, further, that one must accept the fact that such a sage comes to reveal something to us, not to argue anything with us.

by: Paul Brunton
From: Search in Secret India

- Ramana Maharshi

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